The Next Stage of Proton Pals is upon us!

Stage 3 of Proton Pals is about to blast off are you ready? The story continues As you know by now, the story began with the proton pals ship malfunctioning, spinning out of control and crashing to earth. Unfortunately for them, they became stranded. They couldn’t get their ship fixed as the toolkit needed wasContinue reading “The Next Stage of Proton Pals is upon us!”

News coming this week!

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a brief update on things overall. Things have been continuing to move forward with each collection even with the market dip happening. The biggest thing of note is that this past week PROTON PALS saw the final release of stage 2, as the last electron was released. This weekContinue reading “News coming this week!”

Things are continuing at a steady pace

It’s been a few weeks since I put up a blog post. I wanted to make sure. You guys didn’t think I vanished or that the collections stopped. On the contrary the collections are all continuing on the paths I layed forth in the March updates about each. Proton pals are at the tail endContinue reading “Things are continuing at a steady pace”

Proton Pals heads in Stage 3!

Stage 3 is upon us. We have less than 10 Electrons left to release along with the electron ship and then it’s onto stage 3!  As you may remember, in the past I revealed that stage 3 would consist of 40 Neutrons and 1 neutron ship.  I will begin dropping those as soon as theContinue reading “Proton Pals heads in Stage 3!”

This weeks Drop Schedule

This week sees a mix of Big Eye Brown. Lil BearCat Red, Xochi, and Proton Pals, all releasing. Big eye brown will see both mainline and Bone Crafting pieces release. Lil Bear a cat red will see both Full body and redhead releases. Proton pals will have 3 electrons drop…one of which you must joinContinue reading “This weeks Drop Schedule”