It has been one year since My Boo released to the proton masses!  Boo has always been an ultra limited pfp collection. With each boo being a 1/1hand drawn image. I will be continuing down this path with My boo. Periodically releasing new boos for you to collect as inspiration strikes me. To celebrate theContinue reading “MY BOO 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!”

Some new Big Eye Brown info!

NEW BONE SHARD USE Beginning today 20 bone shards can get you 20% off an initial drop! To add a new utility to bone shards, you NEED to contact me. I will then pull the piece you are looking to purchase from open purchase. (So no one can buy it but you)  I will thenContinue reading “Some new Big Eye Brown info!”

This weeks Drop Schedule

This week sees a mix of Big Eye Brown. Lil BearCat Red, Xochi, and Proton Pals, all releasing. Big eye brown will see both mainline and Bone Crafting pieces release. Lil Bear a cat red will see both Full body and redhead releases. Proton pals will have 3 electrons drop…one of which you must joinContinue reading “This weeks Drop Schedule”

Too much information to be contained here!

I’m excited to show off the Redheads my new addition to the LBCR collection. Along with the headshots comes a whole slew of reward system information. SO much information that its simply too much to post in the blog portion of my site! Go to the Lil Bear Cat Red page of my site andContinue reading “Too much information to be contained here!”