Big Eye Brown nears its end.

More then a year ago…. More then a year ago, I started Big Eye Brown as Pfp collection under the Peculiar Inks brand. Fast forward a few months and we migrated the collection over to my complete control. As both I and PI were growing faster then any of us had expected or could keepContinue reading “Big Eye Brown nears its end.”


It has been one year since My Boo released to the proton masses!  Boo has always been an ultra limited pfp collection. With each boo being a 1/1hand drawn image. I will be continuing down this path with My boo. Periodically releasing new boos for you to collect as inspiration strikes me. To celebrate theContinue reading “MY BOO 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!”

News coming this week!

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a brief update on things overall. Things have been continuing to move forward with each collection even with the market dip happening. The biggest thing of note is that this past week PROTON PALS saw the final release of stage 2, as the last electron was released. This weekContinue reading “News coming this week!”

Things are continuing at a steady pace

It’s been a few weeks since I put up a blog post. I wanted to make sure. You guys didn’t think I vanished or that the collections stopped. On the contrary the collections are all continuing on the paths I layed forth in the March updates about each. Proton pals are at the tail endContinue reading “Things are continuing at a steady pace”

Some new Big Eye Brown info!

NEW BONE SHARD USE Beginning today 20 bone shards can get you 20% off an initial drop! To add a new utility to bone shards, you NEED to contact me. I will then pull the piece you are looking to purchase from open purchase. (So no one can buy it but you)  I will thenContinue reading “Some new Big Eye Brown info!”

Xochi season 2 is almost here…what does the future hold?

The End of Season 1 Xochi is about to enter its second set of 100! And with that entrance, comes some changes and new features. There are only 5 XOCHI remaining in series 1. (The first set of 100) #100 is Ultra Rare! Xochi 100 will be made of every ultra rare piece! Making itContinue reading “Xochi season 2 is almost here…what does the future hold?”