Some new Big Eye Brown info!

NEW BONE SHARD USE Beginning today 20 bone shards can get you 20% off an initial drop! To add a new utility to bone shards, you NEED to contact me. I will then pull the piece you are looking to purchase from open purchase. (So no one can buy it but you)  I will thenContinue reading “Some new Big Eye Brown info!”

Xochi season 2 is almost here…what does the future hold?

The End of Season 1 Xochi is about to enter its second set of 100! And with that entrance, comes some changes and new features. There are only 5 XOCHI remaining in series 1. (The first set of 100) #100 is Ultra Rare! Xochi 100 will be made of every ultra rare piece! Making itContinue reading “Xochi season 2 is almost here…what does the future hold?”

FEB monthly rewards coming next week!

As many of you know, last month I started a Holder Loyalty Reward System for some of my current collections. Well, February is just about upon us so that means the special monthly drops are upon us! “The monthly holder rewards are here!!!” You have a few more days to add to your collections toContinue reading “FEB monthly rewards coming next week!”


What will you create? That’s right just a few short weeks after Amyah opened the Bone Crafter shop she’s offering you yet another new way to get your very own Bug Eye Brown! Enjoy the Big Eye Brown collection? But don’t have the time to collect pieces and parts to put your own together. Can’tContinue reading “CUSTOM BIG EYE BROWNS ARE HERE!!!”

This weeks Drop Schedule

This week sees a mix of Big Eye Brown. Lil BearCat Red, Xochi, and Proton Pals, all releasing. Big eye brown will see both mainline and Bone Crafting pieces release. Lil Bear a cat red will see both Full body and redhead releases. Proton pals will have 3 electrons drop…one of which you must joinContinue reading “This weeks Drop Schedule”

Too much information to be contained here!

I’m excited to show off the Redheads my new addition to the LBCR collection. Along with the headshots comes a whole slew of reward system information. SO much information that its simply too much to post in the blog portion of my site! Go to the Lil Bear Cat Red page of my site andContinue reading “Too much information to be contained here!”

Meet Tarsier the photographer and his pal Pinky

You might be wondering who Tarsier and Pinky are well, let me introduce you. Tarsier is Lil Bear Cat Red’s buddy from the Philippines. Don’t let the fact that he’s one of the worlds smallest primates skew your way of thinking. Though he’s small, his skills in photography are big! Pinky is Tarsiers apprentice whoContinue reading “Meet Tarsier the photographer and his pal Pinky”

The next stage of Lil Bear Cat Red is almost upon us.

Within the next few days I will be announcing the next stage of the Lil Bear Cat Red story. While you wait for the full announcement let me give you just a small tidbit of information about the collection. I will be adding a new piece to the LBCR story. The classic look LBCR WILLContinue reading “The next stage of Lil Bear Cat Red is almost upon us.”