About the Artist

Who am I? Why am I here? Tell me a little about yourself.

All things as an Artist you get asked. Hell, those are questions many of us ask ourselves.

Well, who I am is a guy who likes to draw. And that’s really where it all began. I grew up drawing, painting, and experimenting with all forms of art I could get my hands on. Truth is that never ended.

I go by the name ImpactPlayrV in this digital realm. It’s a nod to a favorite professional wrestling team I had growing up in the late 90’s early 00’s. I’ve been using it for quite a few years in many different settings. But truth is it’s also a reminder to me to try to be an impact player in whatever I am doing. Sometimes, I feel like I succeed at that. Other times I’ve failed horribly.

Nft’s and digital art are not my main job. In fact, they are something I started only a few months back. So far, I love every minute of it, and I can only hope that that that love continues to grow, and I can bring you even more great art.
