Big Eye Brown nears its end.

More then a year ago….

More then a year ago, I started Big Eye Brown as Pfp collection under the Peculiar Inks brand. Fast forward a few months and we migrated the collection over to my complete control. As both I and PI were growing faster then any of us had expected or could keep up with.

For quite a while the pre-made pfp were the only way to get Big Eye Brown, but then the bone crafter showed up and allowed users to purchase parts to have put together in their own unique BEB.

To date 90 unique BEB have been released!

That’s brings us to today…. There are just 12 Big Eye Brown left to be released. And then the BEB a collection is officially complete!

How will I release them?

With the NFT/crypto market in such a down turn I have been holding off releasing them, but I’m tired of waiting and I want to get them out into the world!

So here is what I’m gonna do

6 BEB will be airdropped randomly to CURRENT BEB holders (when I go to drop them I will use a randomizer to pick who to send them to. Please note each person can ONLY win one. Once someone has won their name will be removed from the following drawings.)

2 BEB will be airdropped randomly to Holders of my other collections (same rules apply as above)

2 BEB will be randomly air dropped to proton wallets in the proton community who do not currently hold any of my collections.

2 BEB will be in giveaways (TBD aid on Twitter, discord, telegram, ect.)

Then that’s it…BEB will be a complete collection! 102 total BEB a will have been released to holders.

Please also note that the BEB holder rewards program will be ceasing with the completion of the collection.

But what if..?

Wait what? But I still have some crafting parts. It can’t be complete.

That’s what I mean by Mostly. I will still honor crafting parts that someone has. I know there are bone dye, outfits, headgear, eyes out there.

If someone contacts me with the required parts, and the 20 Bone shards (or $20) I will use the parts to craft a new custom BEB!

What does the future hold for BEB?

The magic 8 ball says the future is uncertain. Not because I don’t want to keep using BEB. Not because I don’t have an idea. Not even because the market is in such a weird place…

No, it’s more uncertain because my idea keeps evolving.

What I can tell you is this. If/When Big Eye Brown returns I can promise it will be a very different look. What many of you don’t know is the cartoony style your used to seeing from me isn’t my natural style. And it’s also not the style I typically create my art in.

I have noticed that in the world of NFTs the art is typically dominated by cartoony or Ai generated style. So I plan to give you something much different. Just what that look is I haven’t decided yet, but it might look something like this:

BEB Future concept drawing

Besides the art changing, I want it to go beyond a PFP in its new form. I’m still narrowing down exactly how, but I have some ideas for a possible interactive NFT holder game, as well as a card game/board game. (And an idea for a videogame/app if I ever had the fund to pay someone to develop it)

No matter what I finally settle on, classic BEB holders will gain some type of benefit, be it whitelist opportunities, free giveaways, or something else.

So, I guess that’s a lot of words to say the Big Eye Brown collection will be officially be coming to a close with all the original pieces released as intended shortly.

I want to thank you all for helping to make Big Eye Brown a success and I truly appreciate the support. You all allowed me to achieve something I never thought possible.

Stay tuned right here for future updates on Big Eye Brown. And while you wait for that make sure to check out and get involved in my other lines: Proton Pals, Lil Bear Cat Red, Xochi, and Art Asylum.

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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