Combustion Point Preview

Man oh man, do I have some fun new information to share with you all! It’s time to peek a little behind the curtain and show you a sneak peek of what’s coming next in the proton pals line…..stage 4 is going to be Combustion Point!

Combustion point is the culmination of a years worth of building the Proton Pals NFT collection on The Proton chain. (will probably be just over a year actually as there are still some neutrons left to release prior to combustion point happening.)

Just like in real life ATOMS are formed by a combination of Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons.

I have said from the beginning holders would be wise to own one of each…and that still rings true!

When the time comes holder will contact me via, Telegram, Twitter, or Discord and I will arrange for you to send me the 3 you want combined. At that point I will combine characteristics from each to make a one of a kind ATOM KING!

42 Atom Kings will be available with 40 being made by combination and 2 more specially released.

If you miss out on the ability to make a king, fear not. You will still be able to be a part of the collection going forward. Townsfolk will be made and released. They will be generated from various traits I have created and carry a totally different look and set of stats.

Wait did I say stats?

Yup, I sure did. Each Atom King and Townsfolk will carry a set of stats. Attack, Defense, And Speed along with a modifier dice.

I’ll explain way more about how we will use those stats in fun games and tournaments held on my various social media platforms in the future, but I just thought I’d let you know about the plans.

Here’s a little teaser image that might help to explain some things…

So while Combustion point ends the original plans of the collection…it’s also the very beginnings of what I hope is a fun and exciting plan for the collections future!

Stay tuned for more information and please feel free to head on over to my telegram or discord channels (links in contacts) and let me know what you think, and hit me with any questions you may have.

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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