Hey guys, been a while since I updated the site with some new info. Rather then waste your time, let me jump right into it.

Site Updates

You might notice I moved some stuff around a bit and updated the NFT section of the site. That’s because I’ve added some new stuff and made place holders for some stuff coming soon.

The main NFT site not has links to 3 other NFT pages. Proton NFTs, Eth NFTS, and Associated NFTs. Make sure to swing on over and check it out.

Wait??? Did I say ETH NFTs? Sure did!

I am part of a group working on a ETH based NFT project. I can’t say much more at the moment. Other then my primary purpose will be to create the art for the collection while others take care of all day to day operations of it.

It’s a cool opportunity that I wanted to be involved with while being careful not to take me away from my primary collections.

Then we have Associated NFTs. These are other projects that I have worked on (mainly the art side) but I am not in control of the collections, they can be on any chain, and I will make sure to link you.

I also did some slight updates to the LBCR and proton Pals pages. Nothing big, just some cleanup.


I’m not ready to give all the information about stage 3 of Lil Bear Cat red, but I wanted to give you guys the new logo and the name of Stage 3!

LBCR Safari: Destination Africa!

I’ll be back soon with more information on this next step in LBCR lore!

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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