Xochi Summer Spectacular Part 1

The Summer of Xochi is here!…well part 1 of it anyway!

Friday June 17th – Tuesday June 21st kicks off the first part of our fun with Xochi.

Xochi is a project that I always intended to be a easy entry point for people with little to no money to begin with in the world of NFTs.

With the market down even the $15 entry point is hard for some people to justify…so for the next 5 days I going to counteract that! All series 2 Drops directly from me will only be $5!


Yes, you read that correctly! That’s a discount of $10 of the typical drop price. BUT the excitement doesn’t end there!

Let’s spread the love, and bring in new Xochi holders! Heck even new people to XPR!

Everyone who buys one of the $5 drops will be sent a second Xochi free! My hope is you then chose 1 of the 2 to keep and the other to send to a friend or even to someone randomly on the chain to help brighten their day.

That said if you chose to keep both by all means you are within your right to do so. And you won’t get any hate from me.

But I do really hope you will consider paying it forward and helping to spread the joy of Xochi.

Later this summer you will see part2 and part 3 of the Xochi Summer Spectacular where we will see special bundle auctions, games to win free Xochi, and even a chance for a one of a kind VIP custom Xochi!

So stay tuned right here, on Twitter, Telegram, Discord or Snips for more information.

The Xochi Summer Spectacular begins now!

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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