Things are continuing at a steady pace

It’s been a few weeks since I put up a blog post. I wanted to make sure. You guys didn’t think I vanished or that the collections stopped.

On the contrary the collections are all continuing on the paths I layed forth in the March updates about each.

Proton pals are at the tail end of stage 2 and stage 3 is set to begin in just a few short weeks.

Big Eye Brown continues to offer both premade Browns and crafting pieces for collects to gather to make their own.

Lil Bear Cat Red drops both full body and redheads weekly.

Xochi (let’s not forget him) has reached series 2! The series one epic rarity 1of 1 special editions were given out to top 3 holders and March saw our first passive payments sent out.

My Boo has stayed true to its ultra rare status with only 2 new releases in March.

So there you have it…..a quick update and reminder that. All projects are continuing on. Join my telegram for the most up to the minute information. Or stay focused here or on Twitter.

Happy NFT hunting!

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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