Proton Pals heads in Stage 3!

Stage 3 logo

Stage 3 is upon us.

We have less than 10 Electrons left to release along with the electron ship and then it’s onto stage 3! 

As you may remember, in the past I revealed that stage 3 would consist of 40 Neutrons and 1 neutron ship.  I will begin dropping those as soon as the final electron is released.

Just like the Electrons the Neutrons will drop at $25 each.

Meet the neutrons!

White Listing for current Pal/Electron holders!

In preparation for their launch, current holders will receive a bonus and have an opportunity to whitelist one of the next wave for only $15!

I will be pinning a poll in my telegram channel and if you are a current holder all you need to do is respond that you would like a whitelisted Neutron.  I will take the list of those that respond prior to launch and randomly assign each a number.   Then after minting you will make a $15 offer on that Neutron to make sure you are the one that gets it.    IF the numbers dictate current holders may be able to get 2 at the white listed price. 

A Neutron ship

Along with the 40 Neutrons, at the end I will also be dropping a Neutron ship.   

That means we will have a (unfixed at the moment) Proton ship, an Electron ship, and a Neutron ship. What does that mean?

If one holder has all 3 ships and would like to trade them in it will create the ATOM mother ship! (Which will be sent to that person)


Stage 4: The Atoms – COMBUSTION POINT

Combustion point logo

What we have been building for since the start.  While I have dropped some hints, only one person has figured out where this was heading based on the conversations I had with them.

IF you combine a Proton, an Electron, and a Neutron you get an ATOM! The Atoms are the core of the story going forward and their look will be based on the 3 pieces that are COMBUSTED (burned) to make them.

As we head back to planet XPR the Atoms will be the centerpiece of the story and collection.

I’ll have much more on this in a future post, but I wanted to give you the first real insight into the future of the proton pals collection.

A little sneak peek of an ATOM

Stay tuned right here for more information heading your way soon.

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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