LBCR Collection Update..TT usage, and the future.


It wasn’t that long ago I introduced LBCR Redheads into the LBCR collection.   And the redheads aren’t ending anytime soon.  The plan is to have Tarsier and pink producing portraits until at least June of this year. 

Along with the redheads I am still producing full body LBCR and want to aim to have at least 100 into circulation before slowing down or ceasing production on them.

At that point LBCR will shift into its 3rd stage.  I’ll get to that in a minute.  I need to talk about Tarsier Tokens first.

Tarsier Token Usage

I am actually a little surprised that Tarsier Token usage has been lower than I expected.  But That doesnt mean I plan to abandon them at this point, just that I will be changing up the current usage a bit and adding some new utility.    

So here is the new usage chart:

1 TT= 10% Discount on initial drop

2 TT= 20% discount on initial drop purchase

3 TT= initial purchase of Epic Level Redhead

4 TT=  Purchase a Tarsier and Pinky Photo Voucher

7 TT= Custom Full Body  LBCR

To use TT you must contact me via Twitter or telegram to set up its use. 


That brings us to the future of LBCR.  While the near future continues to bring us full body LBCR and redheads.  However, that doesn’t address where we will be going next.

Stage 3

My current plan for stage 3 of LBCR is for Red to go on a photo safari around the world. This will open LBCR up as he releases the photos he takes of animals around the world. 

Stage 4

Lets just say Red might stumble upon an artifact that might blast the world in a whole new direction.  Red and his pals might just be our only hope. 

Stage 5

The future is uncertain.

Published by ImpactPlayrV

Just a guy creating NFTs for fun and hoping to bring happiness to those that collect.

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